HTML/CSS/JS - Intro Session 3
01 Sep 2015As we continue covering the basic concepts of front-end web development, the main focus this week will be JavaScript.
This is where we left off our HTML and CSS files, more or less:
<!doctype html>
<title>My Web Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<!-- some comment -->
<p>Some text on my web page</p>
<!-- drop-down or combo-box with pre-defined options -->
<option value="S">Small</option>
<option value="M">Medium</option>
<option value="L">Large</option>
<!-- just a button -->
<button>Click Me Now</button>
p {
color: blue;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-family: Verdana;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
border: 2px solid silver;
padding: 4px;
A very important HTML attribute to know about, and use, is id.
<p id="mytext" > Some text on my web page </p>
<button id="myButton" >Click Me Now</button>
The id attribute lets us give a unique identifier to any HTML element on our web page.
The class attribute is very similar but for a group of HTML elements.
The id and class attributes are useful because they allow us to refer to specific HTML element or element(s) from our CSS and from our JavaScript.
So, finally, let’s talk some JavaScript
As we did in the case of CSS, we need to let our HTML document know about our JavaScript code.
<script src="script.js"></script>
- can be placed in either <head> or <body> sections
- rule of thumb:
- 3rd party libraries in <head> section
- custom JavaScript in <body> section
- e.g. just before </body> to ensure elements referenced have been rendered
Here’s how a variable is defined in JavaScript.
var empName = 'Jane Doe';
var empExt = 4279;
- the keyword var
- variable assignment operator
- naming rules and conventions
- letters, numbers, _ , $
- cannot start with a number
- meaningful
- camel-case
- case-sensitive
- common simple types: numeric, string, boolean
Built-in functions:
alert() is a built-in JavaScript function.
- display values of variables and expressions
- crude but useful tool for a quick check/test
alert('Name:' + empName + ' Ext:' + empExt);
Another built-in JavaScript function is getElementById()
- fetches an HTML element from our page so we can do something to it, e.g. to style it dynamically
var myElem = document.getElementById('mytext'); = '50px';
- dot notation as in document. and style.fontSize
Programmer-defined functions:
function myFunction() {
var a = 123;
Note the difference between defining a function and executing it.
The above defines a function, but to actually call it we need to add:
Functions can also be called via …
Event Listeners:
In JavaScript we can watch for particular events and react to them.
- to watch out (“listen”) for particular UI event (e.g. click) on particular element (e.g. button)
- to execute some code (e.g. handler function) whenever that event occurs
var btn = document.getElementById('myButton');
btn.addEventListener('click', myFunction);
The above two lines of JavaScript code
- get the button element from the HTML document and save it to a variable
- tells the browser to execute myFunction when the button is clicked
As an exercise, let’s add to our example web page the facility to:
- choose a colour from a drop-down and
- set the text of our paragraph to be displayed in that colour.
Suggested steps:
- make sure each element has a unique id
- get the button element
- add an event listener so that button click would call a function
- create the function
- get the selected colour
- get the paragraph element
- apply the colour to the paragraph element
Sample solution:
<!doctype html>
<title>My Web Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<!-- All elements have been given an id attribute -->
<!-- To enable us to refer to elements from Javascript -->
<p id="myText">Some text on my web page</p>
<select id="selColour">
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<option value="black">Black</option>
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="green">Green</option>
<option value="yellow">Yellow</option>
<button id="btnColour">Make It So!</button>
<!-- Script tag brings in Javascript into our HTML. -->
<!-- Placed here to make sure all referenced -->
<!-- elements have already been defined. -->
<script src="script.js"></script>
// get button element
var btn = document.getElementById('btnColour');
// set up an event listener on button element
// this means whenever user clicks the button,
// call the function applyColour()
btn.addEventListener('click', applyColour);
// function to change the colour of our paragraph text
function applyColour() {
// get the comb-box element
var sel = document.getElementById('selColour');
var col = sel.value; // get the selected value
// get the paragraph element
var par = document.getElementById('myText'); = col; // style paragraph text colour
No changes to style.css were required at all.