HTML/CSS/JS - Intro Session 1
19 Aug 2015This post includes notes from the introductory sessions, as well as some resource links.
Members will also be able to post their questions or comments.
What is HTML?
- Hyper Text Mark-up Language
- currently the standard is at version 5
- gives the web page its underlying structure
- which is to say, a web page is made up of elements (headings, paragraphs, links, forms, etc.) and these elements are defined using HTML
- the browser reads the HTML file and renders the elements on the screen as they are defined
- structure
What is CSS?
- Cascading Style Sheets
- currently the standard is at version 3
- allows us to style the elements on the web page, e.g. size, colour, font, layout etc.
- style
What is Javascript?
- a programming language (unlike HTML and CSS)
- currently the standard is at version 5
- allows us to add interactivity to the web page, e.g.
- when user clicks this button, show a message
- when a form is submitted, check inputs
- also allows us to manipulate the HTML document structure (aka DOM)
- i.e. dynamic (vs. static) web pages
- interactivity
A bit more about HTML
- generic tag syntax:
<tagname attribute1="attribute1-value" ... > text </tagname>
- angle brackets
- there is always a tagname
- attributes, if any, vary according to tags
- the text may consist of other tags, i.e. nested HTML
- closing tags, if any, denoted by forward slash
- some HTML elements do not have an explicit closing tag
- basic document structure:
<!doctype html>
<title>My Web Page</title>
<!-- some comment -->
<p>Some text on my web page</p>
- HTML is not case-sensitive; current convention is all lower-case
- exception some attribute values, e.g. id’s, classes (more about these later)
- white space (blank lines, indentation) not required, but recommended for better readability
- ditto for comments; be aware of “View source”
A bit more about CSS
- basic selector syntax:
selector {
property: value;
- selector is required; identifies specific element(s)
- allows us to zero in on which elements should that styling be applied to
- can be tag name, e.g. p
- can be element id or class (more about these soon)
- property-value pairs vary based on element being styled
To style the paragraph in the HTML above, for example to set the text colour:
p {
color: purple;